
Sonic State Qwire Inc Sonic State Qwire Inc

Music For Picture Licensing Streamlined

The people behind Qwire tell us that the days of sifting through spreadsheets and stacks of paper to license music for picture are no more. The firm, founded by production music veterans with several Emmy nominations to their credit, simplifies how music supervisors, editors, composers, and administrators handle the business of getting music synced to pictures. Here’s their full press release: Clearing the Desks, Changing the Industry: Qwire Builds Software to Transform How Music for Picture Gets Licensed, Managed, and Reported The soundtracks to the shows and films we love have a secret. They were born out of stacks of paper overwhelming desks, dotted with Post-Its and White Out. They sprang from personal spreadsheets that only one person can find or navigate; from data entered numerous times into multiple spreadsheets, keyed into multiple software applications, and stored in multiple paper files. They involved negotiations with little to no historical information to reference -- and…

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